6 August 2010

It wasn't me...

Sometimes this boys cuteness helps him out ALOT!!!
He found Charlies Aero mousse pot (had asked him to take into the kitchen numerous times) and decided to lick it clean, after using the spoon to try to get out what he could!!!
Then walked towards me..
..close up of the sticky fingers..
..and finally those innocent eyes say it all..
...even with the grubbiness the cuteness shines through..



Househund said...

This one made me laugh...
Alfie looks like the cat that's got the cream.. or should I say chocolate.
Her certainly looks good enough to eat!

Househund said...

This one made me laugh...
Alfie looks like the cat that's got the cream.. or should I say chocolate.
Her certainly looks good enough to eat!

Sarah Lou said...

lol. did you get a lovey squishy messy kiss as well??