2 November 2010

Half Term Fun...

Well, half term is over and back to the school routine. Lots of fun was had while it was here:
Caught up with friends...
Painted the windows...spooky...
Charlie met a celebrity...
Halloween party...
...hope you all had good Halloween.
Alfie now counts to 3...if you say 1, he says 2, then if you say 2, he says 3...how clever.
Charlie has started gardening club at school.
What's happening with you???


Sarah Lou said...

now that is a precious family photo!!!

Househund said...

Oh no how did I miss this.
Wow Charlie you got to meet Katie Price. What was she like?
The Halloween photo's look amazing. I bet you had a great night.
Just been over to Folksy to see your new advert.. the notebooks are looking great.
But where's the scrapbook pages lol... I feel a new years resolution coming on.